Advantage FJ-435
Wood Adhesives
Wood Adhesives

Advantage FJ-435

Finger Joint
Edge & Face


The Hallmark of Glued Finger Joints

Advantage FJ-435 is a cost-efficient, high-performing two-part crosslinking polyvinyl acetate emulsion adhesive for finger jointing. It has shear thinning rheology, a low minimum use temperature, and surpasses ASTM D-5572 standards for wet use in finger joints, supporting Hallmark Certification.

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Shelf Life, Storage, & Handling

Shelf Life: 
4 Months

Best if used within four months of date of manufacture. Product only available in air assist style totes. Product not sold into California. Product is freeze-thaw stable. If it becomes frozen, allow to warm to ambient temperature and thoroughly mix until a homogenous, smooth mixture is obtained. Consult the SDS before use for additional considerations.


Cross-Linked PVA Adhesives that Excel

Our Advantage family of products feature high-performance one- and two-component cross-linking PVA adhesives that offer water resistance across versatile applications. 

Specific attributes of the Advantage family include:

  • Water-resistant products that meet or exceed the following industry standards: ANSI/HPVA Type I & II, ASTM 5572 and 5751 Dry and Wet Use
  • Multi-purpose adhesives offering superior performance in radio frequency application
  • Versatility between hot press and finger joint equipment 
  • Superior temperature and humidity durability 
  • Easy to extrude with good finger coverage


Key Product Features

Low Minimum Use Temperature
Freeze/Thaw Stable

Manufacturing Specifications

Optimal Bonding

Finger Jointer


Standards & Compliance

NAF (Formaldehyde) under CARB & TSCA Title VI
ASTM D-5572-99 Wet Use

Markets & Applications

Where Innovation Meets Application

Finger Joint
Finger Joint
Edge & Face
Edge & Face

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Wood Adhesives

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Advantage FJ-435

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