Adhésifs pour bois
Troubleshooting Radio Frequency Edge Gluing
Issue: Undercured joint/glue line still wet
Possible Causes:
- Low power| Recommendation: Increase power
- Short cure cycle | Recommendation: Increase cycle time
- No pressure | Recommendation: Check filler boards and pressure system
- High moisture content | Recommendation:6-8% moisture content recommended
- Improper catalyst mix | Recommendation: Please contact technical support
- Generator malfunction | Recommendation: Contact equipment repair company
Issue: Cured joint-weak bonds
Possible Causes:
- Slightly under-cured | Recommendation: Check power and time settings
- Incorrect pressure | Recommendation: Check edge pressure
- Irregular or burnished surfaces | Recommendation: Check surface preparation
- Improper moisture | Recommendation: 6-8% moisture content recommended
Issue: Panel open on ends
Possible Causes:
- Poor stock preparation | Recommendation: Check quality of gluing surface/end fit
- Pressure shoes overlapping on next panel | Recommendation: Check and correct if necessary
- Shrinkage between time of surfacing and pressing | Recommendation: 6-8% moisture content, 30% minimum relative humidity and glue within 24 hours of preparation
Issue: Burning in joints
Possible Causes:
- Power too high | Recommendation: Reduce power
- Improper catalyst level | Recommendation: Please contact technical support
- Surface irregularities | Recommendation: Check surface preparation
- Excessive spread | Recommendation: Reduce glue spread
- Long assembly time | Recommendation: Press within five minutes
- High edge pressure | Recommendation: Reduce edge pressure
Issue: Black glue lines
Possible Causes:
- Iron contamination in adhesive | Recommendation: Isolate and eliminate contact source of wet adhesive with iron or steel
Corporate Contact
Audrey L. Albright
Technical Marketing Specialist
T: 1.800.877.4583
Corporate Contact
Mark Schroeder
Vice President of Marketing
T: 614.445.1507
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Multibond 2000
Multibond 2000 est un adhésif monocomposant en émulsion d'acétate de polyvinyle réticulé pour les opérations de laminage, de collage des bords et de face. Premier adhésif durable pour le collage du bois, il convient aux applications de radiofréquence, de presse à chaud et de presse à froid.
More information is available about our complete product offerings. Our experts can recommend specific solutions for your needs.
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