Adesivos de madeira
Troubleshooting Radio Frequency Edge Gluing
Issue: Undercured joint/glue line still wet
Possible Causes:
- Low power| Recommendation: Increase power
- Short cure cycle | Recommendation: Increase cycle time
- No pressure | Recommendation: Check filler boards and pressure system
- High moisture content | Recommendation:6-8% moisture content recommended
- Improper catalyst mix | Recommendation: Please contact technical support
- Generator malfunction | Recommendation: Contact equipment repair company
Issue: Cured joint-weak bonds
Possible Causes:
- Slightly under-cured | Recommendation: Check power and time settings
- Incorrect pressure | Recommendation: Check edge pressure
- Irregular or burnished surfaces | Recommendation: Check surface preparation
- Improper moisture | Recommendation: 6-8% moisture content recommended
Issue: Panel open on ends
Possible Causes:
- Poor stock preparation | Recommendation: Check quality of gluing surface/end fit
- Pressure shoes overlapping on next panel | Recommendation: Check and correct if necessary
- Shrinkage between time of surfacing and pressing | Recommendation: 6-8% moisture content, 30% minimum relative humidity and glue within 24 hours of preparation
Issue: Burning in joints
Possible Causes:
- Power too high | Recommendation: Reduce power
- Improper catalyst level | Recommendation: Please contact technical support
- Surface irregularities | Recommendation: Check surface preparation
- Excessive spread | Recommendation: Reduce glue spread
- Long assembly time | Recommendation: Press within five minutes
- High edge pressure | Recommendation: Reduce edge pressure
Issue: Black glue lines
Possible Causes:
- Iron contamination in adhesive | Recommendation: Isolate and eliminate contact source of wet adhesive with iron or steel
Corporate Contact
Audrey L. Albright
Technical Marketing Specialist
T: 1.800.877.4583
Corporate Contact
Mark Schroeder
Vice President of Marketing
T: 614.445.1507
Related Products
PVA reticulado
Multibond 2000
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More information is available about our complete product offerings. Our experts can recommend specific solutions for your needs.
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