Information on LEED

This information is not kept current - for latest information surrounding this standard, please visit

LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a set of building project guidelines published by the U.S. Green Building Council and is today the most widely used green building rating system in the world. LEED provides a sustainability framework for design, construction, operations, and maintenance of new and existing buildings. By using a rating system that encourages and rewards sustainable design and performance, the program motivates professionals throughout the industry to identify and implement green solutions to reduce environmental impacts and prioritize sustainable practices that benefit existing and future communities.

The LEED program largely focuses on adhesives when considering indoor air quality of green building projects. Low-emitting materials credits are earned when building products and furnishings demonstrate the ability to meet volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and content requirements. Composite wood products must use ULEF or NAF resins as defined and certified under CARB Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) or TSCA Title VI.

LEED rating systems and guidelines can be downloaded from

Franklin Adhesive Products

The LEED table below illustrates our adhesives that meet current LEED low emitting materials requirements discussed earlier in this brochure.

Next, the second table lists a sample of our adhesives and compliance with TSCA Title VI and EU formaldehyde standards. This table serves only as a guide as TSCA Title VI and other international regulations, require the composite wood manufacturer to conduct third party testing of your substrate with the adhesive you are using, to show compliance with a particular regulation.

If you would like further guidance on using our products to meet LEED standards or additional testing information, please feel free to contact us at 1.614.443.0241.

This brochure was printed from the most current information available at the time. Please refer to the current TSCA Title VI and LEED guidelines for complete accuracy.

Corporate Contact

Audrey L. Albright
Technical Marketing Specialist
T: 1.800.877.4583

Corporate Contact

Mark Schroeder
Vice President of Marketing
T: 614.445.1507

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More information is available about our complete product offerings. Our experts can recommend specific solutions for your needs.

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