Skateboarding Our Way Beyond Wood Components: Five Creative Industrial Applications for Wood Glue

Millwork, cabinetry and wood furniture might account for the bulk of our wood glue business. But you’d be surprised at some of the other manufacturers that use our glue to create their products. Here’s a look at five of some of the more interesting products we hold together.

#1 Skateboards. The average teen doesn’t think of it when in the half pipe, but the height they get is a direct result of a high-tech polymer developed exclusively for Skateboards. Franklin Adhesives & Polymers plays a critical role in making the deck beneath their feet. The polymer developed for Mulitbond SK-8 is stronger, more responsive to flex, waterproof and UV resistant. This results in a board response that the pro’s approve. Skateboard manufacturers use it to bond the layers of plywood that form the deck and laminate the veneer – and create a board durable and responsive enough to withstand the punishment inherent in this popular sport. Multibond SK-8 is the only wood adhesive made exclusively for skateboards. It is tested and supported by pro’s, but made available to all.

#2  Office Furniture. You may think the production of office furniture is not that exciting, but the environmental standards and requirements to sell adhesives into the office furniture segment is second to none.  If environmental friendly adhesives interest you, just follow the lead of the office furniture industry!  Franklin’s products dominate this segment by passing multiple environmental programs, such as US Green Building Council’s LEED programs and McDonough Braungart Design Chemisty Crade to Cradle program.  Rethinking the impact of products produced today on future generations is in full swing in this segment.

#3 Guitars. Some of our adhesives are musically inclined – the perfect formulations for guitar assembly. One major guitar manufacturer uses Titebond 50 – our tried-and-true wood adhesive for interior furniture – in the thousands of guitars it makes annually. Titebond 50 is strong enough, with the right amount of heat-and solvent-resistance, to handle the stress musicians put on the neck of the guitar as they strum. The guitar maker uses it to bond components such as the peghead veneer and fingerboard to the neck, then turns to powerful Assembly High Tack to bond the bridge to the main body of the guitar. Our adhesive helps make these guitars sturdy enough for musicians at all stages – including a few who take the stage to the roar of fans.

#4 Oil rig mats. You know that the adhesive used to face-glue lumber into platforms for oil field equipment has to be powerful. Our Advantage EP-950A is up to the task. This acrylic-based emulsion polymer isocyanate (EPI) formula offers the ultra-high resistance to water, heat and solvents this application demands. Cross laminated timber mats produced from bolting wood together cannot compete with the strength of a solid glued mat. The new massive discoveries of oil and natural gas in the USA are creating the demand for this new application, making it all the more unique.

#5 SIPs. We’re helping move the building industry into the future with the development of an adhesive, ReacTITE EP-980 DEV, exclusively for producing structural insulated panels, or SIPs. The adhesive bonds OSB to an insulating foam core to make the high-performance, energy efficient building blocks for residential and light commercial construction. It is extremely resistant to water, solvent and heat and is tough enough for exterior walls.

Have a unique wood-glue application of your own? Could be we have the right adhesive for you, too. Contact Us to let us help.

Corporate Contact

Audrey L. Albright
Technical Marketing Specialist
T: 1.800.877.4583

Corporate Contact

Mark Schroeder
Vice President of Marketing
T: 614.445.1507

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More information is available about our complete product offerings. Our experts can recommend specific solutions for your needs.

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