Franklin's New Radio Frequency Press

Franklin Adhesives & Polymers is investing in its customers’ future growth, and its own. The industrial technical service lab at Franklin recently purchased a new radio frequency (RF) press. Franklin’s previous RF press was nearly twice the size of the new one and had a much smaller working surface. The new RF press is half the footprint with a 3-foot by 5-foot working surface.

Radio frequency presses are used to speed up the amount of time it takes to cure wood glue. The process involves using radio frequency technology to speed up the curing process using the heat provided by the radio frequency waves.

Erik Haffenden, a Technical Service Specialist at Franklin and in-house RF press specialist revealed, “Radiofrequency presses were originally made during World War II to speed up plane assembly, now they are used to make furniture.” Before radiofrequency presses were used regularly, the most common gluing technique was cold pressing. Cold pressing is a method where glue is applied to the materials, then clamped together and left to dry for approximately 30-60 minutes. The radiofrequency press can do the same job in just 1-2 minutes. This process creates stronger bonds than cold pressing in a fraction of the time. This makes RF presses a necessity for large scale operations and plant efficiency.

This press will allow Franklin to evaluate new business opportunities from companies that use radio frequency pressing. It will also assist our current customers with their lab testing. This press will help improve our customer service to better understand and help our valued customers. Contact our technical service team at 1.800.877.4583 for additional information or assistance with your company’s radio frequency needs.

Corporate Contact

Audrey L. Albright
Technical Marketing Specialist
T: 1.800.877.4583

Corporate Contact

Mark Schroeder
Vice President of Marketing
T: 614.445.1507

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